Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Without Feathers

Speaking of Without Feathers (see comments to last post) here is what appears to be a new video of the boys peforming the tune. I'm using Jonny's encroaching Alan Shearer hair situation to time stamp this as "new".


  1. i'm so excited to have found your blog. i also started a wave pictures fanblr about a year ago, i thought i was alone. mine is much more random and definitely not chronological (just a fan girl). your writing and reviews are wonderful. thanks for all the hard work you put into doing this.

  2. Thanks Laura, you're very kind. I'm aware of your tumblr too - you have a great knack for finding photos i've never seen before, keep it up!

    I really need to get the time to continue with my cataloguing of the catalogue. Knowing people are out there appreciating it refuels my gumption to do so. Cheers!

  3. the concert friday night was amazing! i am still trying to find my words to write about it. i am still a big pile of fan goo and may not recover any time soon.
