Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Marc Riley Session - Spaghetti Hoops?!

The WP's were in session last night on BBC Radio 6 where they played 4 tracks off the new LP and had a bit of a chat. This included the news that they've recorded an album of Jason Molina covers. No explanation of how this will see the light of day but interesting nonetheless. If you are not familiar with the man he is the wonderful singer/songwriter for Magnolia Electric Co (and Songs: Ohia before that) and has been unwell in recent times. Perhaps this will be some sort of fund-raising release? The idea of hearing the boys take on The Dark Don't Hide It is enticing. One of the best songs of the last decade in my opinion but Molina has a Tattersall-sized back catalogue so any number of songs could have been included.

Anyway, session here for the next 7 days, and possibly longer:



  1. Not sure of the best way to share this news?

    The Lobster Boat Band feat. David Tattersall (The Wave Pictures) & Howard Hughes (Coming Soon)
    The Lexington, 96-98 Pentonville Road, London, N1 9JB
    Sunday 1st July 2012 (Doors 7pm)

    David Tattersall (The Wave Pictures) & Howard Hughes (Coming Soon) play songs old and new - including tracks from their debut album 'The Lobster Boat', released on Where Its At Is Where You Are (WIAIWYA). They will be joined by a full band including Franic Rozycki (The Wave Pictures).

    Tickets £6 / £4 (NUS & JSA)

    https://www.facebook.com/events/3695668 ... tif_t=like

  2. Thanks Anon. Hopefully some more gigs will get filled in around this one and i will be able to post a news item about a whole tour. I'd be happier though if this was a one off ahead of some recording! It does appear they have some new songs, they're playing at least one gig which can't really be to promote an LP which came out a year ago. I wonder if they're going into the studio and this date has been put in to make it worthwhile? Exciting if so as the first record was terrific.
